Top 12 Prediction (Jesse)

Here it is, my Top 12 prediction. Ryan will soon (hopefully) post a picture of my Top 12 since I'm lame and don't have the ability to do so. But here is who I think will make it. I have to agree with Ryan, this is the hottest bunch of contestants they've ever had. And, I think that if the right people make it into the Top 12 (i.e. the ones I chose) then it'll be the best season yet! Without further ado, my Top 12.
•Ace Young: (+) The hottest guy they've ever had. The hot factor will definitely push him into the finals, (-)we haven't seen him sing anything fast yet. He's a great balladeer but what about when he needs to sing a faster song? Does he sound the same?
•Chris Daughtry: (+)has an amazing voice. I love the grittiness of it and I think adding that to songs we've all heard before will make them sound new again, (-)has to compete with Taylor for the "southern rocker" role
•David Radford: (+)another hot kid with a great sounding voice, (-)is he going to be the new John Stevens and be one-dimensional as Paula originally said?
•Elliot Yamin: he's my wild-card of the bunch. The last slot for the guys is kinda hard to pinpoint. (+) I chose him because he does a really good voice. Plus he has a sense of humor so that'll help with the likability factor, (-) we didn't really get to see him all that much during the audition process so people might not really be familiar with him compared to someone like Sway
•Taylor Hicks: (+)has an amazing voice and he's unique, (-) too unique? I think he's socially awkward (or at least appears that way). What's up with the strange movements his body makes everytime he sings or talks. It's like he gets nervous around people. I don't think people are going to like seeing that on tv.
•Will Makar: (+) again, another hot guy with a great voice and nice personality, (-) might be fighting with David and Ace for the hot guy factor.
•Ayla Brown: (+) beautiful, great voice, and seems like she has a nice personality, (-) seems to get everything she's ever wanted/done. I think America is going to be tired of her really quickly because of that.
•Katharine McPhee: (+) I think she's the next Kelly Clarkson. She has a great voice that I think will easily jump from genre to genre. Plus, I only see her growing as the competition moves on (very much like Kelly), (-) seems to have a lot of nerves and cries a lot. Will it all get to be too much for her?
•Kellie Pickler: (+) beautiful girl, great voice, good backstory, (-) now it's coming out that she's not as green as we've all thought. Apparently she's had a tv show at home and has performed with a band on numerous occasions. Plus, is too much like Carrie?
•Lisa Tucker: (+) great voice and control(+), (-) I get this feeling that people aren't really going to connect with her. She's doesn't have the same type of personality like Diana did for being so young. Too mature for her age?
•Mandisa: (+) finally have a big, black woman that can sing the hell out of a song. We've been missing that since Frenchie. Plus, she told off Simon is such a great way that I think she won many people over., (-) ??
•Paris Bennett: (+) good voice and personality. When she picks the right songs she's amazing, (-) she keeps picking odd songs to sing. Most people don't expect her to sing country and she doesn't sound as good when she does choose that.
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